My Place: Krystal Delanty

Pic of Krystal Delanty, she is a player/secretary at Caroline Springs football Club. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 234224_01

Tara Murray

Krystal Delanty’s journey at Caroline Springs Football Club started when her children began playing at the club. Since then she has volunteered at games and training, taken on the club’s social media and communications role before becoming the secretary last year. Ms Delanty, who is also part of the club’s women’s side, speaks with Tara Murray about the football club and the wider community.

What is your connection to Caroline Springs and local area?

I have been a local resident for over 10 years. My husband and I moved to Melbourne from country Victoria. We moved to Caroline Springs after having our first child. Our four children all go to a local school.

What do you love about the area?

I love that it is family-friendly and the parks and playgrounds are great. Everything we need in regards to shopping and dining is close by and if we need to go to the city, it’s accessible.

You’re involved with the Caroline Springs Football Club. How long have you been involved at the club and what is your role?

My two eldest sons started playing Auskick about eight years ago. We then progressed to junior footy at CSFC. I started off just as a parent, volunteering at my children’s games and training. In 2018 I decided to have a go at playing senior women’s footy after seeing a few mums I knew playing – it has been one of the best things I have done. It has kept me active and I have made lifelong friends. I joined the general committee not long after, helping with social media/communications and late last year I accepted the secretary role. All four of my children play from Auskick right up to under-16s.

What’s the thing you love most about being involved in the club?

The friendships with parents and fellow players. I love watching our children play footy and have fun. My children have made a lot of friends outside of school by being a part of this club. I love seeing the community get together and enjoy each other’s company, particularly after missing last season due to covid.

What are your favourite places to visit in Caroline Springs?

Blue Marlin for the best fish, chips and burgers. We usually visit after Sunday footy games.

Sabai Gai Thai Massage on CS Boulevard does great massages and the ladies are super lovely. We have a lot of great coffee shops so I share the love with all of them. I also love walking around the lake and going along the creek with the kids.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know?

I am an award-winning chef, having worked in a lot of great establishments in country Victoria and Melbourne and I have had recipes and reviews published in numerous publications. I have cooked for many famous celebrities.