My Place

Stacey-Lee Trotter runs a community pantry to help locals in Brimbank. (Supplied)

Brimbank local and proud volunteer, Stacey-Lee Trotter, tells Hannah Hammoud about her work in the community and connection to the area.

Tell us a bit about you and what you do?

My name is Stacey and I am a mum of seven. I started my own community pantry in the Brimbank area just under a year ago after falling in love with volunteering for another community pantry, for over a year. Due to family commitments I could no longer help as much as I could but still wanted to continue doing the pantry.

What is your connection to the Brimbank area?

My kids and I relocated to Brimbank for a change of scenery and we were welcomed with open arms, and haven’t looked back. My kids are thriving in the local school and I have been working with some amazing people to be able to help, the same way we were helped when we moved here.

You run a community pantry and offer frequent bread donations in Brimbank, what motivates you to help those around you?

We offer daily bread with the support of an amazing bakery called Baker’s Boutique and Patisserie in Federation Way, Caroline Springs. I have some amazing people helping behind the scenes, but my main two are Kerry and Tracey, I couldn’t do it without them. The pantry is relying on whatever the community can offer, and runs off a ‘take what you need give what you can’ motto. After accessing services here, I saw the struggle, for a lot of people only having access only once every three to six months. People can’t wait that long, regardless of being a single person or a large family. Everyone is feeling the struggle with the cost of living rising.

What do you love most about where you live?

The people, the potential for self growth and development. I haven’t always been this person, like many, I’m filled with the desire to ensure the best life I can provide for my children. I want them to know it’s okay to fail, it’s okay to fall, but you have to pick yourself up, correct your path and keep thriving.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

I don’t really know to be honest, being that I’ve only been here a couple of years. There is so much that the community talks about that needs changing and a lot of the times I wish I could click my fingers and it be done.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.

I’m not sure what would surprise people anymore, I have a different hair colour every few weeks, I love the person I have learnt to be and continue to grow from.