My Brimbank: Girl Guides

10/05/2019. Brimbank Star Weekly. My Brimbank. Issue Date 28/05. My Brimbank Feature. Deer Park Girl Guides. Pictured are Carolyn Maggs (right) and Anne Wilson. Shawn Smits.

By Tate Papworth

What’s your connection to Brimbank?


Carolyn: I was born in Sunshine and have lived here all my life.

Anne: I have lived in Brimbank all my life, being 60 years.


What do you like about where you live?



It is not crowded and is easy to get from place to place.

Anne: It’s familiar and comfortable and easy to get to any destination when required to go anywhere.


What, if anything, would you change?



Nothing, except to stop high-rise buildings being built in single storey residential areas.

Anne: I’m very happy with how the area is always changing for the better, especially the latest plans from the state government to take out the three level crossings in Deer Park.


How long have you been involved with Deer Park Guides?



I have been connected with Guiding in Brimbank since I was 11-years-old.

Anne: I have been a leader with Deer Park Girl Guides for roughly 25 years.


Why did you first become involved with the Guides?



Because a friend of mine was in it and she told me what fun they had and the things they did. So I joined and have not left. I now want to give back to the girls.

Anne: I was a Brownie when I turned seven and never really left Guides, although I did have a break for a number of years before returning as a leader.


What would you say to girls thinking about joining the Guides?



Come and give it a go. You will make new friends, have fun and learn new things.

Anne: Girl Guides gives girls the tools to become confident, self respecting, responsible individual young women with leadership and personal skills to do anything they choose to do as an adult.


Where is your favourite local place to spend time?


Carolyn: Home.

Anne: Home with my family is all I need at the moment.