My Brimbank: Daniel Allan

215868_01 Danniel Allan with his wife Gloria and son Idris.

Esther Lauaki

One of Brimbank’s youngest elected councillors Daniel Allan is bowing out of local politics this year to focus on family. He talks to reporter Esther Lauaki about why other young people should step up and serve their community.

How long have you served on Brimbank council? I was elected four years ago when I was 28.

Why would you encourage young people to get involved in council?

As a young adult, I came into council with fresh ideas and a unique perspective which was reflected in our council decisions.

The more diverse the elected council is, the better the social outcomes for the community and a youth perspective is an important part of that.

You have the power to effect positive policy in local government.

What would you say the biggest challenge for a younger councillor is?

It can be tough making decisions that benefits the wider community but disadvantages a handful of residents, when that happens it’s important to speak with as many people as possible to get different views on the issue.

It’s also important not to make decisions based on the loudest voices in the room, everybody should have their say and as a councillor your voice is one of the most valuable.

Young people typically look for a strong work/life balance – does the position allow this?

The amount of briefings and meetings can be tough at times when juggling work, study and social life. Once you get into a rhythm, council becomes your social and work life and it’s truly an honour to connect with the community.

For me, the support of my wife has made it all possible. Without support of friends and family it will be more difficult.

What have you found the most rewarding aspect of the job?

Never expected to get so excited by council budgets! When you have an idea you know will benefit the community and it gets included in the budget it’s as great feeling. Rebuilding the St Albans Leisure Centre is a legacy I’m proud to have helped achieve. The other thing that really hit home when the Muslim Women’s Leadership program won the 2020 Susan Grace Benny Award. This came from my notice of motion about racism within the community it couldn’t have happened without everybody’s support.

What would be your best advice you a young person looking to get involved?

I’m looking forward to the next generation running for elections, my motivation was to help make Brimbank the best it can be.

Anyone who wants more information about running for council can contact Daniel Allan on