My Brimbank: Charlie Mellino

By Tate Papworth

What’s your connection to Brimbank?


I’ve lived in Brimbank for the past seven years and my wife has actually lived out here for over 20 years.

In the past year I’ve also started teaching karate in Kealba.


What do you like best about the area?


There’s a real sense of community out here. There’s a nice family feel to the area and it’s a genuinely safe environment. It’s a great place to raise a family.


Where’s your favourite place to go for a feed?


We love the Keilor Hotel. The whole of Keilor Village is actually really lovely, particularly in the winter. It feels like you’re in the countryside out there and yet it’s so close to the city.


You’re offering self-defense classes for women?


I am. Women only self-defense classes are something I’ve done in the past. I find that when it’s women only, they feel more confident and can focus a bit better.


Did you decide to offer them again in response to recent tragic events?


Absolutely. Unfortunately when things like this happen, there’s a demand.

I put a call out and the interest was there, so I’m going to be running four workshops. I’m holding them at Kealba Hall every Tuesday for four weeks starting tonight.

I’m not doing this for money so there’ll be no charge. If it can help just one person then it’s worthwhile.


And what can people who come along expect?



Over the four sessions I’ll explain situational awareness and teach basic self-defense skills to help women remove themselves from a threat. It will be practical skills.


And do people need to book?


Nope, just come along to the Kealba Hall.