Tate Papworth
Times may be tough and most news rather depressing, but that hasn’t stopped the community at Mother of God School in Ardeer from spreading a little love and colour.
The school’s art teacher Deb Qadri organised a project to show support and love for aged care workers and residents.
Grade 5/6 teacher Kasia Filous-Alvarez said messages of hope and support were hung in Estia Aged Care – the site of a major COVID-19 outbreak – and at St Andrew’s Hostel.
“The idea is because we are all remote learning… there might be an opportunity to turn attention towards local community,” Ms Filous-Alvarez said.
“Children worked with their families at home to create messages of support and love.
“Deb’s project shows aged care residents and people working there that we care.”
From digital images to posters and banners, a wide array of notes of love and support now adorn the gates.
The project began at the beginning of August and Ms Filous-Alvarez said the feedback has been incredibly positive.
“We’ve heard people going in whether they’re visitors or workers who have really appreciated it.
“It seems to be putting a smile on people’s faces and that’s basically the goal of it.”
Tate Papworth