Men’s Sheds grant applications open


Applications for grants are now open to help establish, expand, or improve men’s sheds across Victoria, including in Brimbank.

Opening the new grant round, Carers and Volunteers Minister Ros Spence said grants of up to $100,000 each will support communities across the state.

Men’s sheds provide a place for men to come together and build friendships and support networks. They improve the health and wellbeing of their members by reducing social isolation and promoting social inclusion. Shedders get to share their skills, learn new ones, and make new friends in their local area.

They also help to support local communities including schools, emergency services like the CFA, and through donations of handmade goods to local charities.

In addition to helping build new sheds, the grants program also helps successful applicants upgrade premises, and refurbish facilities, to make them more accessible and inclusive for people with disability.

Minister Spence said men’s sheds provide a place to learn new skills, share interests, make friends and contribute to local communities..

“This investment will support upgrades throughout the state and create more opportunities for Victorians to get involved with their local men’s shed,” she said.

There are currently more than 360 Men’s Sheds across Victoria, each contributing great value to their local community and the people who attend them.

Applications close at 5pm on Friday, December 8.
