Melton woman refused bail for a second time

A 29-year-old mother of two, who allegedly stole a credit card from a car parked at St Albans train station, has been denied bail for a second time in the Supreme Court of Melbourne.

In a hearing on November 3, Justice Priest refused Kirsty Lumley’s application due to the “significant risk” she would commit further offences while on bail.

The woman has been charged with a number of indictable offences, including three charges of theft, two charges of handling stolen goods, one charge of attempting to obtain property by deception, and one charge of possessing a drug of dependence.

She also faces a number of summary offences, including failing to stop a motor vehicle, driving while disqualified, unlicenced driving, driving an unregistered vehicle and using number plates not issued to the vehicle being driven.

Lumley has remained in custody since her arrest on September 11.

In a submission to the court, the 29-year-old claimed there was insufficient evidence that she was a disqualified driver on September 11.

Lumley’s first application for bail in the Sunshine Magistrates Court on September 28 was also refused, on the grounds that she presented an unacceptable risk of committing an offence while on bail.