McKay Gardens festival blooming

garden 22-2-18 Helen Reid and Melinda Mockridge [glasses] at the HV Mckay gardens in Sunshine ready to celebrate the Annuasl Festival. Crystamthen's were originally grown in the garden in mass displays.

H. V. McKay Memorial Gardens are set to come alive this weekend with a day of fun and activities designed to bring people back to the historic park.

The Friends of McKay Gardens will be hosting its third Garden Festival in the 109-year-old park, and secretary Melinda Mockridge said all was in readiness for a memorable weekend.

“We’ve got an amazing program of things happening,” Ms Mockridge said.

“We’ll have an entertainment tent with a whole variety of performers, a kids corner with things like face-painting and crafts, a fitness corner with games for everyone, and we’ll have our own display set up to show people what we do.

“It will be a very multicultural day, with performers from many different backgrounds, some of them travelling a fair way to perform here.

“We’re hoping for a few hundred people to really promote the park.”

While the day itself is special, Ms Mockridge said she hoped more people would take advantage of the park on other days of the year.

“Up until recently I think there was a perception that the area was not safe,” Ms Mockridge said.

“The community is now starting to realise that this is here and what a fantastic asset it is for the area, and a good place to bring the family for a picnic or a day out.”