Matt’s family ties inspires charity boot camp

24/11/16 Fitness. Matt Cini training Andy Hales, matt is running some free fitness classes for charity. photo by Kristian Scott

With a long family history of diabetes, personal trainer Matt Cini is even more motivated by his latest charity boot camp.

Through his health and wellbeing business, Fitness Frenzy, Matt will run eight Saturday morning sessions from January 21, with all funds raised going to Diabetes Australia.

“Not long ago, my dad was diagnosed with diabetes,” Matt said. “Diabetes runs in the family … my two aunties are diabetic, as well as my grandmother, before she passed on.

“With obesity being at an all-time high, I’d like to do my part and help out. The sessions will be a bit of fun with a bit of a sweat-up.”

The former Sunshine George Cross player started Fitness Frenzy about seven years ago after training a few friends from the club.

“I’ve had a background in fitness since a young age, playing soccer as a six-year-old up until 27 [years of age],” he said.

“Now I don’t play soccer anymore but I did learn a heap of training techniques and sessions through the coaches I’ve had through the years, as well as the courses I’ve done to keep on educating myself.”

Matt said as a trainer it was a great feeling seeing someone who wasn’t confident in themselves go through a total body transformation and see their confidence and happiness rise.

The eight sessions will be run at Catholic Regional College Sydenham.

Details: 0422 264 729