Marathon effort for a good cause

Melissa Searle with pupils Angelina Jones, Sophie Mitrovski at Movelle Primary School colour run event. (supplied)

Movelle Primary School assistant principal Melissa Searle will undertake the mammoth Bravehearts 777 Marathon to raise awareness and funds to protect kids against child sexual abuse.

Searle will take on the challenge , running seven marathons in seven days across seven states, which she has previously achieved.

On Friday April 8, Movelle Primary school celebrated Searle’s efforts by conducting a colour run with students and parents.

Only a handful of participants complete the Bravehearts 777 Marathon to its entirety each year.

Searle has been training for the event that begins on June 27 this year, running 100km a week ahead of the big event.

The 47-year-old from Melbourne’s west said it intertwined well with her work as assistant principal, Bravehearts’ message and her passion for running.

“My main portfolio is student wellbeing and engagement so I do a lot in the space of respect for relationships, family violence, making sure the kids are safe and providing that relationship with all kids that I know to make sure that they can come to me with anything,” Searle said.

“And then Bravehearts came up and I thought ‘omg there’s seven marathons in seven days in seven states and I can raise so much awareness for such an important cause.

“Give students that courage, if they are having any sexual abuse or are in any violent situation, that they can come and they know that there’s a safe place and Bravehearts provide that.

“I suppose I am an assistance for Bravehearts to spread that message through the community, through my school, through the departments and just make sure that Bravehearts is brought to the forefront and what better way to do it than to do something that I love which is running so it is a win win.”

Through Searle’s powerful work, Movelle Primary School will introduce the Bravehearts’ education programs, Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show and ProjectYou which are vital in continuing to safeguard the futures of Australian children.

Searle hopes that other schools across the country can adopt these programs to create healthy futures for all children.

Bravehearts’ chief executive, Alison Geale, said the statistics are devastating, with approximately 1 in 5 children experiencing child sexual abuse, and hopes to see many participating and supporting the run however big or small.

“Bravehearts is dedicated to creating a world where people, communities and systems all work together to protect children from sexual abuse and we hope that as many Australians as possible join us in our mission by participating in the Bravehearts 777 Marathon,” Ms Geale said.

“Over the last eight years, we’ve had more than 1,800 people run to protect children either nationally or in their own state for both our physical and virtual Bravehearts 777 events, raising more than $1.9 million for Bravehearts’ programs and services, and this year we’re hoping to raise more than $250,000.

“Bravehearts 777 Marathon is a huge physical and mental challenge for our national runners and their dedication to months of training to be able to participate and raise much-needed funds for Bravehearts is truly incredible.”

This is the eighth year that the Bravehearts 777 Marathon will run.

Runners from their respective states can register to run or walk shorter distances to support Bravehearts. Donations can also be made all in support of helping to prevent child sexual abuse.
