Making hockey easy

Caroline Springs Hockey 5s. (Hockey Victoria)

A new program at Caroline Springs Hockey Club is making things easier for parents to help introduce the next generation of stars to the sport.

Hockey Victoria approached the club about running a Hockey 5s program for their under-10s, to help reduce travel and time needed to play the sport.

The players are split up into teams of five for the season, where they all train and then play on the same night.

Caroline Springs president Kathy Jungfer said there had been a really good interest in the program.

“We have about 30 kids, who have been split into six teams,” she said. “Last season we had about 15 players in this age group.

“They look to play every week at Bridge Road [hockey facility] The parents bring the kids down and they play games and do training at the same time every week.

“It makes it easier for them and they don’t have to travel.”

The program is also opening doors for the next generation of coaches and umpires. The Springers under-14 players are coaching and umpiring the games.

The Springers are the only club running a club-based local Hockey 5s competition, according to Hockey Victoria.

The program, which has been running for two weeks, will run through term two, with the club aiming to run it again in term three.