Lucky seat

Steve Obeid on Millionaire Dollar Hotseat. (Supplied )

Tara Murray

St Albans Steve Obeid plans to travel around Europe and do some home renovations after winning $50,000 on channel nine’s Millionaire Hot Seat.

The 25-year-old appeared on Monday night’s show where he answered J.R.R. Tolkien correctly for the author who invented the fictional metal ‘mithril’ to win the $50,000.

Mr Obeid said he couldn’t believe that he had taken home $50,000.

He said he knew the answer to the question the minute it was read out.

“I did some trivia stuff with friends and there was that question,” he said.

“As soon as it popped up, I knew the question. I was nervous to say the answer as I was so confident and didn’t want to be wrong.”

Obeid, who is studying a bachelor of physical education and sport science at Victoria University, is vision impaired having been diagnosed with Stargardt disease when he was 13.

While winning the money was good, he was keen to encourage others living with a disability to dream big.

“Ever since I was diagnosed, I’ve just kept doing what I can and if I have to do it again, I won’t let it stop me,” he said.

“I take all the opportunities I can take, including applying for game shows.”

Mr Obeid has represented Australia on several vision-impaired or blind sport teams and is a massive sports fan and wants to use his money to travel the world.

“My love of sport has been my one constant and given me something to look forward to. Sport elevates me to another realm,” he said.

“Nothing could be more fulfilling for me than combining my love of sport with a career guiding the next generation as a PE teacher.”

“With my winnings, I’m planning to travel to Europe once the pandemic is over – my dream is to go to soccer games in each country. It’s a boyhood dream.”

Mr Obeid watched the show with his family, most of whom knew that he had won the prize.

“My dad doesn’t know,” he said before the show aired. “He’ll be lost for words.”