Lockdown adoptions continue

Pic of Penny Langmead, customer care staff with Izzy. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 240024_03

Michaela Meade

The lockdown-related surge in pet adoptions is showing no signs of slowing down, according to RSPCA Victoria.

Carmen Main, customer care team leader at the RSPCA-run Epping Animal Welfare Facility, said the number of applications received by the RSPCA has been surprising.

“Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve received 54,000 online applications for pet adoption,” Ms Main said.

“There’s a higher demand for dogs, and also cats.

“It’s been a really busy time for our adoption centres across our six sites [in Victoria].

“We’ve had a really steady flow of applications… [and] a really consistent level of interest.”

Ms Main said the organisation adheres to a “rigorous process” for adoptions.

“I think a lot of people working from home, their work-life balance was different, and the time people had to give to a pet was increased,” she said.

“We really are making sure people can look after a pet.

“We want to make sure that it’s a really good and strong match, forever.”

As for after lockdown, Ms Main said there are some key things pet owners need to do.

“Pet ownership is a commitment that can last for a long time,” she said.

“There’s the physical care for a pet, but also its emotional wellbeing.

“Establishing routines is key… that can set them up for success.”

Details: rspcavic.org