Location of new Burnside school to be announced soon

The state government is negotiating the purchase of land for a new primary school in Burnside.

It is understood negotiations are in the final stages for a property at an undisclosed location that could become the home of Burnside primary school.

A Department of Education spokesman said it was hoped the location for the new prep to year 6 school would be secured within the next few months.

A community consultation period that sought input from residents about the school closed on July 2.

Two design options were proposed and people were asked to provide feedback on how technology could be used, how to promote sustainability in the classroom, how to support emotional health and wellbeing and how best to get the community involved.

The spokesman said they had a great response.

“We have talked to hundreds of local families, including 1200 visits by more than 1000 people to our engagement website,” he said.

“The feedback we are receiving from the Melton community will be collated and analysed so it can help shape the design and education framework.”

The school will accommodate 475 students. Construction is scheduled to begin in the first half of next year and finish before December 30, ahead of its planned opening in time for 2019.