Local brass still making noise

15/06/17. Hune 20 issue North West Photography.Brass Sunshine Community Brass. Andrew Wilson with his son Alexander Pic Marco De Luca

Nearly 90 years after it began entertaining locals, the Sunshine Community Brass Band is still going strong and is on the hunt for new members.

Band president Andrew Wilson said a love of music and performing were the keys to the outfit’s longevity.

“It’s just a bunch of people who love making music together,” Mr Wilson said.

“There’s been times when the band has struggled, but we’re relatively strong now and we just love playing music and having fun together. We’d love to do more gigs – and the more people we get involved in the band the more gigs we can put our hands up for.”

The band first performed in 1928 and has been a continuous presence in the local music scene ever since.

It is looking to add to its ranks, with a special need for trumpet or cornet players and percussionists. Mr Wilson said players of any level were welcome.

“The beauty of a brass band is you can play just about anything,” he said. “We do rock, hymns, gospel, modern music – so long as there’s a brass arrangement, we’ll give it a try … there’s not many genres we can’t do.

“We’ve got the state championships in August and then another performance lined up for October, so we’re keeping busy.”

The band rehearses on Tuesdays from 8pm at 45 Furlong Road, North Sunshine.

Details: Peter, 0419 138 114 or Andrew, 0419 444 620