Lights planned for ‘dangerous’ road


Tara Murray

Traffic lights are set to be installed at a Deanside intersection labelled ‘dangerous’ by residents.

Residents have voiced their concerns about the City Vista Court and Taylors Road intersection, with traffic becoming worse since the opening of Springside West College in August, 2019.

Resident Laura Filipovski submitted a submission to the Melton council budget, calling for the council to consider the installation of traffic lights at the site.

In a response to Ms Filipovski, council officers said that lights would be installed at Taylors Road and City Vista Court by developers, with construction likely to commence in 2022-23.

The council said it couldn’t name the developers due to the formalising of a legal agreement.

Earlier this year, a petition calling for the lights attracted more than 800 signatures.

“During peak hours our travel time has increased by an average 20 minutes,” the petition stated.

“Due to this, some drivers are dangerously overtaking from [the] left, which has already resulted in … road rage.

“Most vehicles turning into Taylors Road are taking undue risks during peak hours which sometimes results in traffic on Taylors Road to slow down or stop to avoid incidents.”