Sunshine’s CBD is set to become safer at night.
The state government has announced it will subsidise Hampshire Road businesses to help them install lighting under their shop-front awnings.
The project is among 141 to receive funding from the Community Safety Fund, which offers applicants up to $10,000 to boost community safety and support crime prevention initiatives.
The Sunshine Business Association, which applied for the grant, has previously received two Community Safety Fund grants for its Light Up Sunshine initiative.
Funds to install energy efficient lighting will be offered to businesses along Hampshire Road between Devonshire Road and Service Street.
Sunshine Business Association president Carson Luk said the project would begin in November and should be completed by April next year.
St Albans MP Natalie Suleyman said the grant would make a big difference to community safety in Sunshine by stopping crime before it happened.
Previous grants have paid for lighting improvements along Clarke Street, Mann Place, McDonalds Lane, Dixon Street and Hampshire Road between Sunshine train station and Devonshire Road.
Four other Community Safety Grants totalling $47,445 were awarded to Brimbank organisations. Those that received funding for lighting included the Brimbank Bicycle Education Centre; Brimbank council for the “southern Sunshine lighting program” and the St Albans Safety Lighting Project 2016; and the St Albans Business Group Association for carpark security lighting.
Police Minister Lisa Neville said Victorians should feel safe in their community.
“These grants have given councils and community groups the ability to make important changes,” she said.
“Whether it’s locks, lighting upgrades or education programs – these projects are helping to prevent crime.”