Lakeview students’ charity knows no bounds

Taking up the challenge are Haden, Moses and Joshua (at back), with Mariam, Jasmine and Nathasha – and Hopes and Dreams brochures. Picture: Joe Mastroianni

Lakeview Senior College students in Caroline Springs is raising funds to help underprivileged people in Africa and India.

The Lakeview One Challenge is being run by the college’s VCE health and human development students and its social justice committee.

The challenge – involving students receiving payment for doing chores in the community – is for the benefit of non-for-profit organisation Hopes and Dreams, which empowers women by giving them loans to start businesses.

It also focuses on providing communities in India and Africa with safe and sanitised water using clean, renewable energy.

Hopes and Dreams chief executive and founder Nello Ragusa says getting students involved in such projects opens them up to the world.

“It’s an opportunity to build in values, like considering others, and make a difference even if you are young,” said Mr Ragusa, who is also a teacher at the school.

Social justice committee leader Alain Nguyen and 10 other students have joined the campaign.

“We’ve gone around to all year levels and presented to all students and staff,” he said.
