Bureaucracy failing Kororoit Creek

Sunshine resident Kaz Seed is appalled by the state of Kororoit Creek. Picture: Paul Shapiro

“Bureaucratic madness” is being blamed for a lack of action to clean up litter, including syringes, household garbage and debris from recent floods, along Kororoit Creek.

That’s the view of Sunshine resident Kaz Seed, who says she’s “fed up” and “angry” with the lack of co-operation between Brimbank council and Melbourne Water to address the problems.

“It’s appalling, the place is a mess and no one wants to step up and take responsibility,” she said. “The litter at the creek is a public health and safety issue, and it also has a serious ecological effect on wildlife.”

Ms Seed is calling on both organisations to “pull the finger out”.

She said the Buckingham Reserve playground was meticulously kept, but the paths leading to it were a “disgrace”.

She wants the council to better use resources and stop “money going in the wrong direction”.

Ms Seed said she has been constantly emailing both the council and Melbourne Water in the hope of getting a joint taskforce and maintenance program in place. She said she was “sick and tired” of being “handballed” between the two entities.

Council infrastructure and environment director Neil Whiteside said priority clean-up works had started near Fraser Street on November 13.

“The clean-up works will continue downstream and include areas next to Buckingham and Killen Reserve,” he said, adding that the council had been in contact with Melbourne Water about community concerns.

Melbourne Water said it worked closely with councils to look after Kororoit Creek, and “so it’s very disappointing to see this community asset used as a rubbish dump”.

By Paul Shapiro