Kit that keeps on giving

Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) has unveiled a resource kit for senior committee members and volunteers working in the sector.

AMCS community education project officer Arzu Kayhan said the kit was designed to ensure groups continue to thrive.

“Seniors from multicultural communities are important contributors to society,” Ms Kayhan said. “However, there are challenges for multicultural senior volunteers both at organisational and individual levels.
This kit addresses some of these issues.”

The kit includes templates for application forms, timesheets, certificates of appreciation and job descriptions.

“The idea is that when people within these organisations need to fill out one of these forms, they can pull the template from the kit and it’s there for them,” Ms Kayhan said.

“People at these groups may know how to do some of these things, but what happens when they move on? This ensures these valuable groups are around in 10, 15 and 20 years’ time.”

The kit was piloted and evaluated with multicultural communities in the north west and Ms Kayhan said feedback has been positive.

“We’ve had some really encouraging responses to this. I’ve had a few people call me after the launch to tell me how much they’ve appreciated it,” she said.
