Keilor Gift returns

2020 Keilor Gift men's winner, Rupert Lugo (Supplied.)

The Keilor Gift will be held next month for the first time in two years.

The event “will be a welcome return to the community”, according to organising committee chairperson Hayden Kelly.

“The event is a great way to showcase Keilor. It has a very long history here, first being held in 1933,” he said.

The event is returning next month following difficulties to organise and run the event throughout COVID restrictions.

“Like many events we suffered from lockdown restrictions but we are very excited to finally bring this event back. There is an excitement from organisers and the public about it. We are going to come back as strong as ever,” Mr Kelly.

“We are looking forward to a terrific day for the athletes and there will also be plenty of family-entertainment for the public to enjoy.”

The Keilor Gift will be held on February 18 at Keilor Sports Club.

Jordan Doherty