Keilor a winner in runway plan

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Aircraft noise over Keilor will decrease significantly if Melbourne Airport’s proposal for an additional east-west runway is approved, according to the airport’s preliminary draft plan.

The plan, released to the public on Monday, outlines proposed flight paths and their associated noise levels.

If the additional runway is built, the existing north-south runway will have decreased traffic in its southern direction, which includes a flight path over Keilor. The plan states six per cent of the airport’s arrivals and two per cent of its departures will take place to the south.

Plane departures are almost twice as loud as arrivals.

But Sydenham and Keilor North will have more air traffic with flight paths to the west of the east-west runways to be used for 65 per cent of the airport’s arrivals and 29 per cent of its departures from 11pm-6am.

The plan states that between 6am-11pm, flight paths to the west of the aiport will be used for 82 per cent of the airport’s departures and nine per cent of its arrivals.

The draft plan provides a strategic direction for the future development of the airport over the next 20 years.

In addition to the new runway, it also proposes expanding terminal facilities south of the existing Terminal 4 precinct; expanding the internal road network and main forecourt; relocating freight activity to the Southern Freight Apron; and creating new and expanded pier facilities to the existing terminals.

The plan will be open for public consultation until October 5.

Four public forums, including one in Keilor, will be held during that time.

Submissions will be considered before the plan is passed on to the federal government.

The plan is expected to be formally adopted in December this year (pending ministerial approval), with implementation slated to begin next year.

Members of the public can download a copy of the plan and ask questions at