Jobs top of Melton list

Melton council have made a submission to the 2023 state budget. (Damjan Janevski) 301157_01

Melton council has made a submission to the state government’s budget, focused on lobbying for projects that build long-term sustainable jobs growth with more investment in skills and training.

The council has outlined its key priorities that include constructing the Outer Metropolitan Ring and Western Intermodal Freight Terminal, better main roads, trains and buses, fully funding school crossing supervisors, and greater investment in early childhood health and education.

These asks are in addition to commitments made by the state government in the lead up to last year’s state election which included a new TAFE in Cobblebank, upgrades to local schools, $650 million for the Melton train line and a business case to upgrade to the Western Highway.

Council is seeking timelines for these, including a call to include them in the May budget.

Mayor Lara Carli said the budget submission is about “long-term jobs growth, from better skills and education to lay the groundwork for growth industries like supply chain and logistics, education and health“.

“We are calling on the Victorian Government to get on with building the Western Intermodal Freight Terminal that will be the catalyst for up to 39,000 jobs in supply chain and logistics,“ she said.

“With $20 million committed to the business case for the Western Highway, we want to see this translate into real works starting soon. We need to get our residents to jobs, education and


“And with the Western Ring Road at capacity, it’s time to get on with the land acquisition and construction of the Outer Metropolitan Ring to unlock the substantial commercial and industrial

land availability in the outer north and west.“

The state budget will be handed down on May 23.