Jimmy Bartel to headline Taylors Lakes domestic violence forum

Brimbank Central Rotary Club's David Bennett and president John Youings. Picture: Shawn Smits

Former Geelong footballer Jimmy Bartel will share his story of family violence at a forum in Taylors Lakes next month.

The decorated athlete has committed to raising awareness about domestic violence since sharing his story about growing up with an alcoholic father who abused his mother.

He says the cause is more important than anything he achieved on the football field.

The Brownlow medallist will speak at the forum alongside well-known domestic violence survivor and advocate Kristy McKellar and Sergeant Carmel Ross, a divisional family violence adviser for Victoria Police’s north west region.

David Bennett, who has helped organise the event on behalf of Brimbank Central Rotary Club, said about 300 people were expected to attend.

“We’re very excited about it because it’s a big event for Rotary to put on and it’s something we feel very important about as Rotarians,” he said. “We’re constantly coming across incidents of family violence through the work we do in the community.”

He said people who attend the forum will learn to identify the tell-tale warning signs of a person affected by domestic violence, how to find help and what resources are available.

The free event will be held at Taylors Lakes Hotel’s Starlight Reception Centre on Tuesday, August 22, from 7.15pm.