In person lunar festival returns

St Albans lunar festival. Business association's Anh Pham, Sebastian Agricola, Ross Morfea and St Albans town centre event and marketing manager Gemma Loyer.

Tara Murray

The St Albans community is getting excited about the upcoming St Albans Lunar Festival.

After having to take the festival online last year, the festival will return to the main streets of St Albans on February 10.

St Albans Business Association president Sebastian Agricola said they were excited to have the festival back in person.

“We didn’t have an attendance event last year, we had a digital event,” he said.

“It was a success with 650,000 hits.

“We wanted to keep the continuity was important last year with it being right in the peak of a lockdown.

“But we need to heal some wounds in the community that are still there. We want people to feel normal again.”

Agricola said this year’s event would have some restrictions in place due to the pandemic, but would remain a fun family event like it has been since it started in 1998.

He said normally the event would take six months to organise, but this time they’ve done it in six weeks.

“It will be similar to in the past,” he said.

“There will be rides, food stalls, two stages, music, entertainment and roving entertainment.

“There will be a spectacular fireworks display.”

The festival will run between 10am and 10pm at Alfrieda Street, St Albans.