Hitting the right note

Ash De Neef and Lachie Gill perform for the students. (Supplied)

Former Voice winner Lachie Gill took centre stage at Albion Primary School earlier this month.

Mr Gill visited the school as part of the Australian Children’s Music Foundation, which sets about inspiring creativity and imagination by providing weekly music education classes and instruments to disadvantaged children and youth at risk throughout Australia.

Having already provided the school with instruments, this was an opportunity for the students to have a guest at the school like never before.

Music teacher Ash De Neef said it was incredible for the students and teachers.

“It was so inspiring and exciting for the students to not only see Lachie perform and hear his story, but also to have him jump into some classes and make some music with them,” he said.

“The kids were overflowing with questions, and they were excited and chatting about him all day after his visit!

“I was thrilled that we got to have someone so talented and well known in the music industry visit us and give the students a really clear vision of where their passion and interest in music can take them.”

Mr Gill said it’s incredible for him to give back to the next generation of budding musicians.

“My music teacher Ms Moore changed my life,” he said. “If it wasn’t for her and the music program at my school when I was young, I wouldn’t be here today chasing my dreams in the music industry.

“Maybe not all the Albion kids knew about me and my Voice story, but they were just so excited to have a musician in their school.

“They were so warm and welcoming with the biggest smiles on their faces and just wanted to know everything about me and my journey. “