High-tech road safety cameras switched on


Drivers doing the wrong thing behind the wheel are being put on notice that new high-tech road safety cameras trialled by the state government are now enforcing fines.

The mobile device and seatbelt detection cameras began operation in April this year, using AI technology to capture high-resolution images of vehicles and detect road offences.

From Saturday, July 1, drivers now face penalties of four demerit points and a $577 fine when caught using a mobile phone while driving, and three demerit points and a $385 fine for drivers and passengers not wearing a seatbelt.

During April and May this year, the cameras detected 7160 offences, including 3523 drivers and 767 passengers not wearing seatbelts and 2870 drivers using mobile phones.

Up until Saturday, drivers were being issued with an advisory letter throughout a three month grace period to ensure they have an opportunity to heed safety warnings and adjust their behaviour before enforcement begins.

There are currently four camera trailer systems in operation, enforcing more than 8000 hours each month. The cameras can be deployed to up to 200 locations in rural and metropolitan areas. A further two camera trailer systems will be operational in the coming months.

Distracted driving is a major contributor to serious and fatal collisions. In 2022, nearly a quarter of vehicle occupants who died and their seatbelt status was known were not wearing a seatbelt. Drivers are also 10 times more at risk of crashing if they are texting, browsing or emailing on their mobile phone.

Police Minister Anthony Carbines said: ”We know that driver distraction is a major contributor to serious and fatal collisions, and the time for complacency is over. These cameras will be deployed all over the state and they will catch those drivers not buckled up or distracted by phones.

”Drivers have a responsibility of not just keeping themselves and others in their car safe, but everyone else using the road too. Every life lost on the roads is avoidable – I urge Victorians to do the right thing on the roads.”