Derrimut’s Kane Williams was already a hero to his grandfather, Brian, and now it’s official.
Kane, 12, has been awarded a Junior Triple Zero Hero Award after his quick thinking and calmness under pressure came to the rescue when his grandfather needed them.
After hearing a thud and finding Brian on the floor with a cut to his head, Kane tended to his grandfather while calling triple-0 and stayed with him until the paramedics arrived.
“I got out of bed a bit quickly … I tripped over my doona on the floor and fell and hit my head on the door jam,” Brian said. “I cut open my head, and my leg ended up behind my back, so I was in a lot of agony.
“Kane was in his room, heard the noise and came running, and straight away said, ‘I need to call an ambulance, Pop’.
“He stopped the bleeding, called the ambulance and stayed with me to make sure I was OK while we waited.
“I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t been there – I reckon I’d still be lying there.”
He said Kane never left his side while they waited, taking control of the situation.
“Kane said I was unconscious for a bit,” Brian said. “He kept holding my forehead where I was bleeding … he was marvelous.”
Brian was in hospital for a week while doctors ran tests but he was discharged when no permanent damage was found.
Kane received his award at the Windsor Hotel last week, along with 50 other Victorian children, and said it felt good to be recognised.
“It was fun,” Kane said. “I’ve never had anything that big, so it was pretty cool.”