Helping the environment

Students, Bethania, Cindy, Hanna and Ethan with garden educator Joanna Temme presenting seedlings to Richard Tregear from FoKC. (Joe Mastroianni). 320160_01

Mother of God students have been getting their green thumbs on.

Students from the Ardeer- based school have propagated over 100 tubes of locally indigenous grasses in partnership with the Friends of Kororoit Creek.

The students presented the grasses to Friends of Kororoit Creek representatives late last month.

School gardener Joanna Temme said the grasses will be planted along Kororoit Creek to improve habitat for wildlife such as moths, butterflies and birds.

“In this project students learned about local plant species, how to plant and care for them, how they’ve adapted to our environment and what this landscape would have been like before Europeans came to Australia,” she said.

“Growing the plants in the greenhouse at school was part of our community garden program, run in partnership with Cultivating Community.

“Since we started the community garden over 10 years ago students spend time in the garden each week with our garden educator learning about plants, nature, health and the environment.

“Our school is proud to support the FoKC and be part of this hands on project to improve our local environment.”