Tara Murray
Brimbank residents are invited to have their say on two new parks planned for the municipality.
The council has released draft concept plans for the Cary Street pocket park in Sunshine North and Leslie Street pocket park, St Albans.
Both parks have been funded by the state government as part of the Suburban Parks Program.
More than $1 million will be spent on each park.
The Cary Street pocket park is located near Upper Stony Creek.
The council’s draft plan includes extensive tree planting and greenery, exercise equipment, nature play and picnic facilities, seating and shelter, new pathways, bike racks, a drinking fountain, an open kick-about turf space, solar lights, a playground and new fencing.
The Leslie Street pocket park will be located on the grassed area near the Leslie Street shops.
It will be upgraded to include better pedestrian access and areas for social connection including, a new paved plaza area with seating and shelter, a new raised pedestrian crossing connecting both sides of Leslie Street, new car parking spaces, bike racks, a rain garden, street trees and landscaping to enhance biodiversity and provide shaded areas.
Council is holding two events at the parks for locals to find out more.
A listening post will be Cary Street on March 27 between 10am and 1pm. A pop up event will be held at Leslie Street on April 6 between 11am and 4pm.
To have your say visit: www.yoursay.brimbank.vic.gov.au