Have your say on local jobs


Businesses and workers, including those in Brimbank, are invited to help shape the future of the Local Jobs First policy by providing feedback to the state government t to support Victorian businesses into a strong pipeline of work across the state.

Jobs and Industry Minister Natalie Hutchins is calling for input into the proposed reforms to the Local Jobs First Act 2003 – Australia’s longest-standing industry participation law.

The Act gives Victorian small and medium businesses an advantage to compete for government contracts – creating local job opportunities with a focus on apprentices, trainees and cadets.

The state government is looking to strengthen the Act to make sure local workers and products are used for public projects where possible.

The proposed changes focus on compliance and enforcement of Local Industry Development Plans – including increasing the Local Jobs First Commissioner’s powers – and for uniforms and personal protective equipment to be made locally for Strategic Projects.

“Under Local Jobs First we’re using our purchasing power to make sure local and socially responsible businesses are always the first option – strengthening our own industries and securing thousands of jobs here in Victoria,” Minister Hutchins said.

To make a submission, visit engage.vic.gov.au/strengthening-victorias-local-jobs-first-act-2003.