Hands on for a tidy town

Jessica Gerger, Jodie Williams, Karin Saliba, Bruce White and Robert Jackson. Picture: Joe Mastroianni

A group of Brimbank locals will get together to help clean up Sunshine’s streets on Sunday, November 29.

Beautiful Brimbank is a campaign led by Sunshine resident Jodie Williams, who’s hoping as many people as possible will lend a hand.

“We’re only out for an hour so the more hands we get down, the more we can clean up,” Ms Williams said.

The group regularly runs clean-ups around Kororoit Creek, but this is the first time it’s taken to the streets of Sunshine.

“We want to be really public and visible on the street so more people can see what we’re about,” Ms Williams said.

She said litter was a big problem in Sunshine, with syringes and used nappies among the items of trash causing most concern.

Brimbank council will provide gloves, tongs and bags to the group and has pledged to remove the rubbish the group collects.

Anyone wanting to get involved on the day is asked to meet at the rear of 312 Hampshire Road, Sunshine, at 4pm or contact jodie@total-wellbeing.com.au for more details.


 By Paul Shapiro