Grants program opens soon


Applications for Brimbank council’s annual community grants program 2024-25 are now open.

The categories are: community strengthening, mental health and wellbeing, climate emergency, young people’s ideas, community festival and events, major festival and events, and seniors operational grants.

Council said its community grants program is designed to provide one-off financial assistance to not-for-profit organisations, community groups and organisations to deliver projects that support and improve the community’s health and wellbeing, support life-long learning, encourage sustainable living, promote Brimbank as a destination and build capacity through partnerships and networks.

There are grants of up to $10,000 on offer in community strengthening, climate emergency, mental health and wellbeing, young people’s ideas and community festival and events categories.

The major festival and event grants category offers up to $25,000 to support festivals and events that showcase Brimbank’s diversity, places, talents, cultures or unique offerings.

The seniors operational grants category offers up to $1000 to support senior groups in Brimbank towards their day-to-day operating costs.

Applications close on July 14.