Good wrap for recycling

Super heroes were on hand to unveil the powerful message last week.

Colourful, anti-plastic messages have appeared throughout Sunshine.

The Friends of Kororoit Creek and the Sunshine Business Association have teamed up to introduce new bin wraps across the suburb.

While the designs are new, Jessica Gerger of the Friends of Kororoit Creek said the wraps are 100 per cent recycled.

“The Friends of Kororoit Creek received a council grant to do some new bin wraps and we thought ‘let’s not create more waste, let’s use the old wraps and paint over them’,” Ms Gerger said. “So we got children, artists and families from across the community … to paint their own anti-plastic environmental messages.”

The bin wraps have gone up on bins around Sunshine, along with the ‘Straws Suck’ posters.

Ms Gerger said the community feedback to the project had been overwhelmingly positive.

“Anything people wanted to express about plastic was encouraged and we found that those who did their own research really found it eye-opening,” she said.

“It would’ve been a lot easier to just throw these away and print some new ones, but we didn’t want these just sitting in landfill.”

Sunshine Business Association president Carson Luk said the concept perfectly matched the direction the shopping strip is looking to take. “This falls hand-in-hand with our stainability campaign and ties in nicely with our community upkeep,” Mr Luk said.