Glengala parking spaces saved

Brimbank council offices. (Damjan Janevski) 256135_02

Gerald Lynch

Glengala Village is one step closer to a new streetscape plan, which will not include a reduction in parking spaces.

Glengala Village is a local activity centre (LAC) in Sunshine West that provides shopping and other services to the community. It is one of 42 LACs in Brimbank.

Glengala Road is the main thoroughfare through Sunshine West and the only road that links Sunshine and Fitzgerald roads and the M80. It carries approximately 10,000 vehicles a day.

In 2018, the state government launched the 20-minute neighbourhood pilot program under its Plan Melbourne Strategy to test the practical delivery of 20-minute neighbourhoods through place-based planning.

Sunshine West was identified as a pilot location, and council and the government have since worked with the community to improve the liveability and economic performance of Glengala Village.

The plan is aiming to improve safety and amenity of the high traffic, including widened foot paths, while boosting the local economy.

In May, a petition with 262 signatures in opposition to the Glengala Village streetscape options was given to council, with petitioners objecting the removal of parking spaces in front of the shops.

Option one proposed three raised pedestrian ‘wombat’ crossings between Gregory Street and Simmie Street, with a net loss of three on-street parking spaces within the shopping village for a total of 19 available spots.

Option one design also includes a pedestrian priority crossing point at the centre of the Village.

However, after a strong influx of community feedback, council adopted an enhanced option one, which still has the pedestrian points, and although does sacrifice the three on-street parking spaces, features three new spaces within close proximity, behind the shopping strip.

The proposed plan should satisfy the majority of Sunshine residents, with improved safety, traffic calming, and increased greenery throughout the street.

Work will soon commence on a detailed design of the plan and get it ready for tendering, with funding for the project expected to be received in the 2026-27 budget.