Funds help women play

Fraser MP Daniel Mulino and North Sunshine Eagles girls players. (supplied)

Gerald Lynch

Women and girls in Sunshine will find it easier and more enjoyable to play sport as a result of a $75,000 grant to the North Sunshine Eagles Soccer Club (S.C).

North Sunshine Eagles S.C was selected to receive federal funding as part of the Play Our Way program, which is designed to remove barriers to women and girls participating in sport and physical activity.

It will use the money to offer an accessible low-cost introduction to football, where women and girls have access to a high-quality training facility and a welcoming and inclusive environment, while participating in a host of fun and practical activities.

North Sunshine Eagles S.C is one of the many groups around the nation which will receive Play Our Way funding for participation programs, or new or modified equipment suitable for women and girls across a range of sports and physical activity programs.

Funding is being offered to initiatives nationwide, with a focus on women and girls who face additional barriers to participation.

This includes First Nations women and girls, women and girls with disability or who are from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Fraser MP Daniel Mulino gave the club credit for its work in securing the grant.

“Congratulations to North Sunshine Eagles S.C for its successful application for this grant,” he said.

“I am confident its project to increase participation of women and girls in local football will have a very positive impact for our community.

“Every person has the right to enjoy sport, in their own way and at the level that suits them.”

Federal Sport Minister Anika Wells said the Eagles will be afforded a level playing field with the funding.

“Play Our way is all about creating greater opportunities for women and girls to have an equal chance to get the fun, satisfaction and health benefits sport offers,” she said.

“The huge response to this grant opportunity, and the range of great project ideas, show that Australian communities want to be more supportive of women and girls.”
