Friends in hour of need

Dominique Wisniewski, Kate Wilson, Georgia Robb, Sarah Sposito and Michelle Muscat. Photo by Kristian Scott

About 95 per cent of the rubbish washed down through the stormwater drains and into creeks comes from city streets, says Friends of Kororoit Creek (FOKC) member Dominique Wisniewski.

So a group of FOKC members head to Sunshine train station every second Sunday of the month for a cleaning blitz.

The monthly tidy-up also involves planting a few trees, watering those already planted and giving the place a bit of love and attention.

FOKC president Jessica Gerger has put out a call to all Sunshine residents to come and join in.

“We’d love to see at least five more people come down and help out on the day,” she said.

“It is astounding how much so few people can get done in an hour.

“We will be tending to our lovely flagship urban planting, doing a bit of weeding and watering, and also a little litter clean-up.

“This is a monthly get-together and always a good laugh.”

She said everyone heads out for a coffee afterwards, for “a chat and a giggle”.

Meet at City Place, Sunshine, on Sunday, December 11, 11am until noon.
