Free RATs set to continue into term two


Students across Victoria, including those in Brimbank, will continue to be provided free rapid antigen tests for at least the first four weeks of term two.

Sixteen million RATs will be distributed from this week for students, teachers and parents who wish to undertake the voluntary surveillance testing, the state government said.

A Victorian government statement said the Department of Health estimated the voluntary testing had prevented 113,500 COVID-19 infections through term one, assuming there was a 50 per cent compliance rate in student screening.

Education Minister James Merlino said surveillance testing had prevented thousands of students becoming unwell, which prevented the closure of schools.

“We thank the many Victorian families who have opted into voluntary testing,” Mr Merlino said.

“We’ll keep supporting Victorian families with the cost of living, with free rapid test kits available through schools and early childhood settings for the start of term two.”

The government said testing recommendations would remain the same, encouraging primary and secondary school students and staff, early childhood education and care staff and children to test twice a week at home.

They also urged students at special schools to test five days each week due to the “higher risk for medically vulnerable children”.

Furthermore, an additional 60,000 air purifiers are on their way on top of the 51,000 already delivered, the government said.

Early Childhood Minister Ingrid Stitt said early childhood services were “critical” to children’s early development.

“We’ll continue to support them with strong COVIDSafe measures to keep children and staff as safe as possible,” Ms Stitt said.