Forum to help draft climate strategy

Brimbank council is working on drafting a new climate emergency strategy, with the community encouraged to give its input.

The council’s current plan is set to expire soon, and the fresh strategy will guide local climate action measures in the years to come.

According to the council, climate action is about halting climate change through the reduction of fossil fuel use and transitioning to renewable energy — it’s also about adapting to a world that will be affected by climate change.

Council is calling on Brimbank residents to detail their understanding of climate change, what concerns them the most about its impact on the environment and what actions locals want council to take.

This information will help the council develop the key priorities of the new strategy.

The upcoming Brimbank Community Climate Forum, will be an opportunity to participate in a guided workshop and discussion to inform the draft of the ten-year Climate Emergency Strategy and the future of climate action in Brimbank.

“In Brimbank, we know that our community is committed to taking action to look after the environment and already feel the effects of heat waves,” the council said.

“Because climate change affects us all, it’s important that the Brimbank community has a say in what actions the council takes.”

The forum will kick-off at 10 am on April 12, at the Brimbank Civic Centre in Sunshine.
