Energy park vision unveiled

Brimbank council offices. Picture Damjan Janevski 256135_01

Consultation on the draft plan Sunshine Energy Park vision plan will soon open, with the plan set to change the area.

Brimbank council at its most recent council meeting revealed the plan for the 54-hectares site, which is on the closed Sunshine Landfills, and is bordered by St Albans Road, Ballarat Road and the Western Ring Road.

The estimated cost to implement the whole plan is $500,000,000 which is comparable to the redevelopment of the Caulfield Racecourse which is a project of similar scale and complexity. There is no council funding currently allocated to the implementation of the park.

The plan is broken into 10 sections, including focusing on the redevelopment of Albion and the wider quarter, unlocking areas and building new connections, increased sports facilities and environmental aspects.

“The vision has been divided into interconnecting zones which respond to the various needs of the community,” the plan said.

“This approach will allow for the development of the site in stages.”

Among the big items in the plan is a solar which had been called for at earlier council meetings.

With anticipated settlement of the former landfill site over the next 30 years, a solar farm is an appropriate addition to the site in the immediate future.

The council is currently undertaking a feasibility study for an expanded Resource Recovery Centre at Sunshine Energy Park which would provide a centralised drop off location for recycling of household materials, while also looking at a horticulture hub.

A new indoor stadium would be built at the park to help with the growing demands, along with multi-purpose sporting fields.

There is also a proposed wetland that will divert stormwater from the Jones Creek and capture and manage water on site to provide flood retention and improved water quality.

The council has previously called for government funding to help fast-track the delivery of the park.

The council said that the plan would be important in guiding current discussions with the state government on the design of the Albion station redevelopment and Melbourne Airport rail and precinct planning for the Albion quarter.