Tate Papworth
A Delahey woman is ready to start her teaching career after completing her training and assessment course remotely.
Lisa Naoum undertook a certificate IV in training and assessment at Kangan Institute which was modified to be delivered through virtual classrooms over 10 weeks due to
COVID-19 restrictions.
The course is traditionally delivered through a mix of online tutorials and face-to-face practical training at Essendon campus.
Ms Naoum said any initial fears she had about remotely learning were soon put to rest.
“I was worried that completing my certificate IV would be delayed for a long time,“ she said.
“I [also] felt anxious about how successful using virtual classroom would be in undertaking assessment requirements.
“My trainer Jasmina Dezelic was amazing at implementing virtual classrooms every Friday and making reasonable adjustments to our assessment.“
With three young children at home, remote learning was at times challenging for the former kindergarten teacher, but she said family support and guidance from teachers helped her stay on track.
“Two of my children are in primary school and were also learning from home and required a significant amount of assistance,“ she said.
“My husband helped overcome this challenge as he doesn’t work on a Friday and was able to look after our children.
“The best part of remote learning was not having to travel to and from Kangan Institute, which saved a lot of time.”
Ms Naoum’s next goal is to find work as an early childhood education trainer.