Drive to improve literacy

University Park Primary School students, Khan, Aldric, Tan, Numera, Tyler, Fina and Alara. (Damjan Janevski) 356478_01

University Park Primary School in St Albans has rallied the community to donate more than 300 books to the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation (ALF).

The initiative involves collecting books to support the ALF, an organisation dedicated to closing the gap and improving literacy outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children across Australia.

Assistant principal Linda Bekhet said the donation drive has been a school-wide effort, with books being collected from students, parents, and teachers, as well as from within the local community.

Ms Bekhet said this initiative has enabled students to develop their leadership skills and extend their community awareness to learn about disadvantage in remote and rural areas.

“Students also learned how small actions can make a big difference in the lives of other young people, and inspire others around them to contribute to worthwhile causes,” she said.

The school will be collecting books up until the end of term 3, before they are donated to the ALF which will then distribute them to schools, libraries, and community centres in Aboriginal communities.

Ms Bekhet said the school has been “heart-warmed” by all the contributions, and are excited to donate to communities where they will play a vital role in promoting literacy development and a love for reading among young learners.