It’s a case of Double Trouble for the Moonlite Theatre.
The Bacchus Marsh and Melton district theatre company is staging its latest production, Double Trouble – which is actually two separate plays.
Vice-president Tim Hawthorne said Double Trouble comprised Donut’s Can Kill You and Room 326.
“Both have been written by local playwrights and produced locally,” he said.
“Both plays are comedies and people get in trouble.
“One is about family trouble and the second one is about a bank robber and hotel guests.
“Both plays are fun and it’s a good night out to have a laugh.”
Hawthorne said the theatre group tries to stage productions written by local playwrights.
Moonlite Theatre normally produces two productions a year, while also performing at local libraries and retirement villages throughout the year.
This production is part of Moorabool council’s Hide and Seek Festival.
“Room 326 ties in with the theme of Hide and Seek and it works out really well,” Hawthorne said.
Moonlite Theatre is always searching for new members, for both on-stage and production roles.
“The more people we have, the bigger productions we can produce,” Hawthorne said.
Double Trouble is on November 8, 9 and 16 at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall.
Details: www.trybooking.com/CWGYS
Tara Murray