Don’t leave us behind

Photo by Melissa Walker Horn /Unsplash

Tara Murray

Don’t leave local communities behind is the message from the Australian Local Government Association [ALGA] in its federal budget submission.

In the submission released last week, the ALGA outlined a series of partnership opportunities that would help drive a strong and inclusive national recovery.

The submission outlined 15 priorities which they hoped would be funded in the budget.

The key funding requests are an initial injection of Financial Assistance Grants worth $1.3 billion to drive economic recovery across the country, and for the total value of these untied grants to be gradually restored to at least one percent of Commonwealth taxation revenue.

Others priorities include financial assistance grants, local roads and community infrastructure programs, the black spot roads program, arts and culture, circular economy, climate change, disaster mitigation, closing the gap and community health.

ALGA president Linda Scott said Australia’s 537 local government have the capacity for growing partnerships with both the state and federal governments, to support economic and community recovery in every community, improve Australia’s transport and community infrastructure, increase local resilience to emergency events and the impacts of climate change, and help build a new circular economy.

“Only local governments can deliver a locally led recovery in every corner of our nation,” Cr Scott said.

“Our local government priorities for the Federal Budget have been independently assessed, and if funded and implemented… And create 44,905 new jobs.”

“Councils are offering solutions to achieve a tailored, community-focussed post-COVID economic recovery – from creating jobs to supporting local business to building new community facilities like libraries, community centres, roads, recreation trails and playgrounds.”

“Councils have an excellent track record of partnering with the Commonwealth on projects and programs that improve our communities and build better lives for all Australians.”

“Working together, we can build a stronger, more inclusive and sustainable Australia on the other side of COVID-19 and ensure that no community is left behind.”