Deer Park bakery raises $1500 to support people with breast cancer

Yvette McMurray says the bakery raised more than $1000 selling the delectable pink buns. Picture: Dennis Mankeltow

Doughy buns covered in pink icing have been flying out the door of a Deer Park bakery.

For the 12th consecutive year, Bakers Delight’s Brimbank Central store has embraced the Breast Cancer Network Australia’s Pink Bun Campaign, which raises money to help support women and men affected by breast cancer.

Franchise owner Yvette McMurray (pictured) said the store raised about $1500 in May from the sale of the pink buns. She said 100 per cent of the money from the sales of the sweet bread treats was donated to the campaign.

“In a single day [during May] we’d be selling 80, compared to normal when we’d sell about 20,” Ms McMurray said. “We’re really lucky because our customers are so generous – it’s well embraced here.”

Since Bakers Delight partnered with

Breast Cancer Network Australia 16 years ago, $16 million has been raised across Australia.

Network chief executive Christine Nolan said that this year, 48 Australian women would be told they had breast cancer every day.

She said all money raised through the Pink Bun campaign would fund “My Journey” kits that are given to assist people when they are first diagnosed.