Brimbank council is encouraging residents to build connections in their local area as part of this year’s Neighbour Day celebrations.
Held on the last Sunday in March every year, the event provides a perfect way for people to get to know their neighbours, welcome newcomers, reach out to someone they have never spoken to, and build healthy, safe and well-connected local spaces.
As part of the initiative, council is inviting residents to host an event on the day.
You can participate by bringing people in your street together by hosting a barbecue or picnic in a local park or at your house, doing some craft activities together, inviting someone over for a cup of tea or coffee, or by playing a game of street or backyard cricket.
All you have to do is pick an activity, time, and place, then visit the Neighbours Every Day website to register the event on any day of the year, and finally understand your requirements and find out if you need any permissions or permits.
Council is also encouraging people to share the planning workload with fellow neighbours.
You may be able to get financial support for your neighbour day event through the council’s Quick Response Grants program.