Councils call for bill change

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The Victorian Local Governance Association wants three changes to the new local government bill currently before Parliament, with rate caps and mayoral powers among their concerns.

While generally supportive of the new bill, VLGA chief executive Kathryn Arndt said there were changes they would like introduced.

“There is widespread opposition among councils to the proposed power of the mayor to appoint a councillor to be the chair of a delegated committee,” Ms Arndt said.

“And for the power of the mayor to appoint the chair of delegated committees to prevail over appointment by the council as a whole. These two provisions effectively give the mayor executive powers over the council.

“Moreover, concerns have been expressed that some mayors may use this extra power to reward their supporters.”

Ms Arndt also said the review of rate capping legislation should be brought forward.

“Feedback from Victorian councils to the VLGA suggests that the rate cap may not be sustainable and that an earlier examination of the Fair Go Rates System is needed to minimise any unintended long-term consequences to the community.”

The VLGA has also recommended changes to the wording around council elections to increase voter participation.