Council reschedules August meeting


It will be five weeks between council meetings in Brimbank after councillors failed to form a quorum at the meeting held on August 15.

Under the Local Government Act, a majority of councillors must be in attendance to form a quorum and allow for the meeting to proceed. The meeting on August 15 was deemed to have lapsed after 30 minutes from the scheduled starting time as council failed to have a majority of councillors present.

Brimbank council’s director of people, partnerships and performance, Georgie Hill said councillors in attendance for the August 15 meeting were councillors Lancashire, David, Kerr, Nguyen and Papalia.

Councillor Virignia Tachos was away on approved leave of absence, however an explanation has not been offered as to the absence of councillors Borg, Branton, Dang, O’Reilly and Rasic.

“Reasons for councillors being on approved leave of absence or simply being an apology for a specific meeting are not kept on the public record,” Ms Hill said.

Included in the agenda for the meeting on August 15 was the adoption of the new Brimbank Governance Rules 2023, which has received backlash from residents regarding concerns about the censoring or editing of public questions.

Brimbank council has convened another meeting with the same agenda that is set to take place on Tuesday, August 22 at 7pm.