Council comes to your screen

Brimbank council is hopeful of bringing council meetings into homes later this year, following the recent endorsement of live streaming of meetings.

The council agreed to start streaming meetings once a policy had been formulated and a report on the preferred option was presented to the council.

Brimbank mayor Margaret Giudice said live streaming or podcasting of meetings would improve transparency for the council and ratepayers.

“Council is extremely pleased to endorse live streaming of its council meetings so that our community get video and audio access to the council meetings via the internet,” Cr Giudice said.

“We plan to livestream Brimbank council meetings to council’s Facebook or YouTube channel. The council meeting content would also be available from the internet on demand, as a podcast that can be downloaded.

“This is another step towards making council decision-making more transparent for our community and keeping our community engaged and informed.”

Several streaming options are being considered by the council, including in-house, externally hosted and fully outsourced, with costs ranging from $4000 to $20,000.

Streaming could begin as early as August.